XF 1.1 Skimlinks JS Browser Issues in Opera/IE7


Active member
I have an issue in Opera, users were complaining that the WYSIWYG quick reply was not loading. [edit] This seems to be caused by the presence of the skimlinks JS.

Note reply box isn't there and "Tweet" is there but no facebook Like button. Also stuck at "Element 35/35" in address bar above.

Now this isn't working on my edited style, but it is working properly on the xF default style. I haven't that many edited templates so am having trouble tracking down the differences in code/templates. Any ideas?

Don't really want to take the default xF style and start to reskin it if I can avoid it!

Well there you go - on the default xenforo install, when I added skimlinks to the default style, it worked fine, but if you create another style and add skimlinks, it throws the error.

Will report this as a bug.
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