XF 1.5 Sitemap issues ?


Active member
Something I've only just noticed.

In April last year a sitemap was created that had 150,000 rules in it which sounds about right for my forum.

The next day and every day since the sitemap has been built but it only has 250 URLs in it ??

I've had a read and I have checked my permissions to make sure guests can see all threads and posts etc.

Sorry but I can't remember what I did that long ago to see if it was something like an upgrade etc.

What can have gone wrong ?
Can you show a screenshot of the sitemap logs?

It actually looks like your sitemap cron is failing. What happens if you manually build it via the rebuild system?
Thanks @Mike

Here are the current logs plus the time when the logs suddenly changed ?

you can see that last night I manually rebuilt them a couple of times but still only showing the reduced number of entries.

We are running xenporta and had a portal page as the home page and I assumed it was something to do with that. Last night I made the home page the forum list page and rebuilt the sitemap and its just the same.

Thanks for your help. I can set you up a test admin account if that will help.

I was running the rebuild last night on my Ipad so never saw this before - when I rebuild the sitemap if fails with a server error -

The website encountered an error while retrieving https://www.photography-forum.org/admin.php?tools/run-deferred. It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.

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Photos and Videos would be from an add-on (though I'm not sure which), so you may want to contact the developer if it's one of those causing the issue.
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