Add-on Similar threads / More threads in same category


Can someone create an addon that will display about 3 to 5 links in the "below thread message" position at the bottom of the page? The idea is to display additional links to other conversations to keep users interested and spending more time on the website.

It seems like we have some addons like this already, but they don't seem to have positive reviews overall. I'll be glad to donate to this if someone is willing to take it on.

What would you want to base the similarity on? title, title and post content? Should it favor threads with more posts and likes in it? More recent threads first? Also you mentioned you'd donate along with someone else, if I were to make this I'd release it as a paid addon, what price range were you guys thinking?
What would you want to base the similarity on? title, title and post content? Should it favor threads with more posts and likes in it? More recent threads first? Also you mentioned you'd donate along with someone else, if I were to make this I'd release it as a paid addon, what price range were you guys thinking?

I would buy any kind of properly working Similar threads add-on

In phpbb3 seo is nicely done this add-on

Configuration of this add-on in the ACP looks like this:
Related topics activation:
Display or not a related topic list in topic pages.
Ignore words filter:
Apply, or not, the search_ignore_words.php exclusions while searching for related topics
Related topics limit:
Maximum amount of related topics to display
Search in all forums:
Search in all forums instead of searching in the current one.
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