Lack of interest Sidebar everywhere

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Well-known member
I have been successfully adding a sidebar which includes my own content, to lots of the templates.
I've just about achieved a "sidebar everywhere" which is what I wanted.
It involves 25 templates!

This I feel strongly makes my users feel secure. Like the navbar wherever they are they have the same navigation options right there for them. Unlike the navbar it is all right there, not hoidden in tyabs. So my top level navigation is openly there in a reassuring way.
Others may want aother alternative displays in their sidebar.

However the task to make this happen involves adding the code snippet with its include, or for a few the include alone, to around TWENTY FIVE templates!
See here:
This is getting a bit silly. I don't mind doing it, and providing the lengthening list for others as well, but it shouldn't be necessary.

Can we please have the sidebar code added to all the templates, default OFF if you like but with a toggle in admincp Options.
A textfield to add the name of a custom template (or two, or several) to be included would also be welcomed. (See my list on the above link for some templates which already have a sidebar as default, so only need the custom content include.)
To be complete a list of all templates relevant with tickboxes to include/ exclude this standard sidebar.
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Couple thougths about sidebar:

Sidebar blocks should be associated with controller, action, section(optional) instead of template. Example: we have same template for article and thread, but sidebars are different since triples (controller, action, section) are different: articles have (XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread, index, blogs), threads have (XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread, index, forums).

Second, following MVC pattern sidebar view params should be generated in controller. That's why I've added extra code event controller_post_dispatch with arguments:
XenForo_FrontController $controller, XenForo_ControllerResponse_Abstract &$controllerResponse, $controllerName, $action
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