XF 1.4 Show your online status

New Joe

Well-known member
A user can tick or not tick this in their Browsing Preferences

So how can I make it that they can't?
In template account_preferences, remove the following:

                    <label for="ctrl_visible"><input type="checkbox" name="visible" value="1" id="ctrl_visible" class="OptOut Disabler" {xen:checked "{$visitor.visible}"} /> {xen:phrase show_your_online_status}</label>
                    <p class="hint">{xen:phrase this_will_allow_other_people_to_see_when_you_online}</p>
                    <ul id="ctrl_visible_Disabler">
                            <label><input type="checkbox" name="activity_visible" value="1" class="OptOut" {xen:checked $visitor.activity_visible} /> {xen:phrase show_your_current_activity}</label>
                            <p class="hint">{xen:phrase this_will_allow_other_people_to_see_what_page_you_currently_viewing}</p>

Now in navigation_visitor_tab, remove:

<ul class="col1 blockLinksList">
                        <form action="{xen:link account/toggle-visibility}" method="post" class="AutoValidator visibilityForm">
                            <label><input type="checkbox" name="visible" value="1" class="SubmitOnChange" {xen:checked $visitor.visible} />
                                {xen:phrase show_online_status}</label>
                            <input type="hidden" name="_xfToken" value="{$visitor.csrf_token_page}" />
I'd have gone with the add on but it gave a long copyright on in the footer and I don't really like loads of copyright stuff in the footer
I went with the editis instead....
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