Show Us your XF!

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I presume he's waiting for them to propagate before making them public.
I am waiting for that one to resolve... true. :)

However, I have acquired a few more and there is one that I am having a difficult time choosing for my primary domain for this site. What do you guys think....


androidprofessional is going to house my current android app that is available at the Market near you. :)
androidburn is a marketable name. I don't think Magic is going to go over well with droid users, and extreme is kind-of played out. And professional is kinda long for a domain name, sooo....I dunno.

Even though that Droid has a model called 'Droid X' I still think that 'Extreme' isn't a marketable name in today's marketplace. If that site was released during the late 1990's - sure, go bonkers.

If you decide to go with droidExtreme, remember to play on the "X" part of the name. And to pull this off, you need a really, really edgy forum design.
I bought a new license yesterday and got a new site up. I's amazing how easy it was. This is my first attempt at starting a site from scratch. As stated before (on page #3 of this very thread) I inherited a large group of forum users so I didn't have to do anything to really start it up. I threw up the software and they were already there.

This time, however, I started from scratch and will be watching to see how it works out. The site is a pet site where owners can come brag about their friends and post pictures, shamelessly plug items they use and tell everyone about where they got their pet.

It's called and remember, it's so new that right now I'm the only member.
It's literally less than 24 hours old.

Special thanks to the people who write the addons. Instead of listing the names of the addons out I'm going to cheat.

Thanks for the input. My site needs another day or two to finish as I thought what I was planning would work without a hitch. I may have a little trick up my sleeve to get me most of the way there... some things a little tricky to do with Xen....
Is there anything we need to do to get on the list? Excuse me: THE LIST! (Good lists get all caps.)

Direct to forum:

It has had a decent amount of customization done to it. Let me know what you think :D

Oh and also, BoxSelect just opened up for pre-registration so check us out ;)
Very nice design! :)

I would like to ask, if it's not too much to ask, how did you get the bottom footer? \

I am looking to do the same for most of my sites. :)

P.S. With the freedom of changing colors of course.
Thanks Carlos!

I think you're just asking me how I got it down there?

You simply put your footer code at the bottom of the PAGE_CONTAINER template file. Same with header, it just goes at the top.
Well, I understand that I have to get it on PAGE CONTAINER....But the design looks a lil complicated - so that's why I was asking... Its a lil embarrassing to ask.
Ahh ok I see what you're asking now.

Which part exactly do you need to know. I don't really know how in-depth your html/css knowledge are so I don't wanna dumb it down too much, but then again I don't wanna leave ya hangin.

Are you familiar with CSS?
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