Show Us your XF!

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I've just re-written the theme I use on my website, not that you'd notice. Originally I created it as I was learning how the system worked, so it was not very Xenforo friendly. But now it makes use of Xenforo syntax and everythings in the proper place. :D

Is there anything else I could improve on, you think? I want to make the theme as tidy and as unique as possible without being OTT.
I've just re-written the theme I use on my website, not that you'd notice. Originally I created it as I was learning how the system worked, so it was not very Xenforo friendly. But now it makes use of Xenforo syntax and everythings in the proper place. :D

Is there anything else I could improve on, you think? I want to make the theme as tidy and as unique as possible without being OTT.

I think that looks excellent. Very clean and easy on the eye.

I find the Adbrite adverts incredibly off putting. Your guest message has EIGHT pop-up adverts embedded in it, all for some money making thing. This is far too many. You're going to say, why not register and you won't see them aren't you? :)
I've just re-written the theme I use on my website, not that you'd notice. Originally I created it as I was learning how the system worked, so it was not very Xenforo friendly. But now it makes use of Xenforo syntax and everythings in the proper place. :D

Is there anything else I could improve on, you think? I want to make the theme as tidy and as unique as possible without being OTT.

I like the style. Only a couple of issues.
#1 - the yellow visitors message caught my eye before anything else did. While I'm sure that is the purpose, the color doesn't make it feel inviting, it makes it feel out of place. Surely there is another color you can use that won't make people go BLEH!

#2 - the shade of red that you chose. IMO, it is too bright and doesn't go along with the red/black/gray color scheme. A shade of red that is a shade or two deeper would be much more attractive.

But all in all, very good job. :D
I think that looks excellent. Very clean and easy on the eye.

I find the Adbrite adverts incredibly off putting. Your guest message has EIGHT pop-up adverts embedded in it, all for some money making thing. This is far too many. You're going to say, why not register and you won't see them aren't you? :)

I can't control where the Adbrite ad puts its text, if I could make it spread it's ads a bit more I would.. But I can't. It's just automatic.. I can't make it do less ads or anything. It's either those or none. *laughs*

But yes, of course. Those kinds of ads are not visible if you're logged in. That goes for the welcome message too, of course... However, first impressions are the most important thing for me at the moment. What colour would you recommend?

As for a shade of red.. ... What shade of red??


I have modified the welcome message to stand out a bit less, and made it a bit 'softer'. Yay or Nay? - Updated using xenFracture :), it's still a work in progress but it's coming along nicely I feel. Still changing the forum icons, and some colors around from the default xenFracture.

Thanks themesinc :)

Site looks great! Very clean.

I must ask. I noticed you have a very nice side bar collapse toggle. Would you mind sharing the code for that? - Updated using xenFracture :), it's still a work in progress but it's coming along nicely I feel. Still changing the forum icons, and some colors around from the default xenFracture.

Thanks themesinc :)
I like it, a lot. Can you extract it so that I can use it for my Modern Warfare 3 website? o_O

EDIT: I have seen the footer nao. Stupid me. :(
Oh. Okay. :(

I feel dumb after making the initial request, I should have realized that its a paid theme - he said so in his post.
I swapped one of mine for another...Decided the WLSurgery Help would do better as just a CMS/blog. So now that forum moved to my Scrapping Your Memories site. Forum is here.
Nice site!

I notice you have Google Translate in your menu bar. I believe the chat integration you have offers translations. That tool works better then Google Translate, as Google logs users out whenever they translate. They can log back in but every time they change from one post to the next, it will log the user out again.

Is that Comet Chat? or Arrow Chat? If you can offer any feedback as to how your experience is with the tool, I would appreciate it.
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