Show "My Threads" - on per forum base and in every forum

Show "My Threads" - on per forum base and in every forum 1.0.0

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otto submitted a new resource:

Show Me My Threads - Simple template addon to place a "My Threads" link in every forum to find fast and easy my threads..

Show Me My Threads

is a simple but usefull addon to place a litle search link above the thread list in every forum for members only. With this link your members can fast and easy find and view there own threads in every forum.

Zeige meine Themen - fügt einen simplen Link oberhalb der Themen Liste in jedem Forum ein. Bei Klick auf den Link werden alle eigenen Themen in dem Forum/ in dem Unterforum, in dem ich mich gerade befinde, angezeigt.
So können Nutzer schnell und einfach ihre...

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Thanks @otto
This can make the life easy for my users.

I suggest to add the same function inside the thread to find all user posts inside this thread. This will be a very useful feature
Without meaning to hijack this resource/thread, this add-on does that:

My understanding of your add-on, @Brogan, is that it provides a visual cue that you have posted in a particular thread and, when you click the "mini me," it takes you to your post. I have your mini-me add-on installed, and its functionality does not overlap with this at all.

This add-on provides one-click access to all of a user's threads in a given forum. That's a very useful feature, I think. Installed.
I think the two ways is only, on what you can click. With Brogans addon you can click the Mini-Me s and with my addon you will have a lighweight clear to see link above the thread list in every forum.

What the link do, seem to be the same thing. ;)
A great add-on related to this idea would be this: Show me his/her threads. The idea is that when you're reading a post or thread by another user, a one-click link should show you threads created by that user in the forum in which you are browsing. Would have immediate impact on my forum.
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I think, for this will be Brogans addon the better play ground, while it works on thread list basis. So it should be not to hard to modify it to work as you search for. :)
I think, for this will be Brogans addon the better play ground, while it works on thread list basis. So it should be not to hard to modify it to work as you search for. :)
What about my suggestion? Are you planing to add (Find my posts) inside each thread ? :)

I can take a look at that - but what is the sense for? What do you do when you find all your posts in one thread with all the posts? o_O;)
Thank you for creating this plugin. I really appreciate it.

I just installed this add-on, and when I clicked on “My Threads” I got the following error: “The requested page could not be found.”
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