XF 2.0 Show banner instead of usertitle


is it possible to show the banner instead of the ranktitle (Owner) in the online teammembers window?
Screen: https://prnt.sc/mnkhui


XF 2.0.10
Yes. Just change usertitle to whatever, make a new user group with the banner, then add that user to the user group.

You can also override the usertitle for the new group, but it seems redundant to have both when you can customize one user-side (usertitle) and "banner-side" (user group).

Edit: Or edit the only other group "owner" may be in to add a banner (ie, administrative).
Yes. Just change usertitle to whatever, make a new user group with the banner, then add that user to the user group.

You can also override the usertitle for the new group, but it seems redundant to have both when you can customize one user-side (usertitle) and "banner-side" (user group).

Edit: Or edit the only other group "owner" may be in to add a banner (ie, administrative).
I think, you don't understand what i mean.

I already have a banner for the group which is shown in topics, on the profil etc., but not in the "Online Team Members" Tab.
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