TBH Jake, I think that's what he's really asking for - is there a query to "watch" all threads started/posted in - for a specific user account, or would that be too complex/intensive?
TBH Jake, I think that's what he's really asking for - is there a query to "watch" all threads started/posted in - for a specific user account, or would that be too complex/intensive?
Is there a XF 2.x version of this mysql query? I'd like to watch all the threads I started, because RSS Imported Feeds aren't watched by default even if I'm set as thread starter.
Is there a XF 2.x version of this mysql query? I'd like to watch all the threads I started, because RSS Imported Feeds aren't watched by default even if I'm set as thread starter.
Oh. I wasn't aware of that but I don't use RSS posting. I don't expect it would take @AndyB or @Ozzy47 long to whip up an addon for that if there's a demand.