XF 1.1 Set up permissions so only guest post in a specific forum require approval


Gone round in circles on this a little and would like some guidance.

Trying to setup a specific forum node so guests can post but these posts must be approved before they appear. Guests from registered users should show as normal. Sure this must be possible but can't quite figure it out...
Click on the node permissions.
Click on the Unregistered / Unconfirmed user group.
Allow the permissions you want such as Post new thread, etc.

The Follow message moderation rules permission should already be set in the user group, unless you have changed it.

thanks for your response. That seems to work fine, can allow guests to post.

However trying to ensure that *only guest* posts require approval by a moderator.

If I tick application > node tree > forum > forum options > Moderate all messages posted in this forum
then messages from all users need approval.
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