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  • Thread starter Thread starter ragtek
  • Start date Start date
Great little mod ragtek. Helps people like me who use XenPorta as a news delivery system. Allows people who logon with mobile devices to be re-directed straight to the forum with threads sorted.

I just wanted to ask. In the screenshot you have ascending/descending... sorry if this is a dumb question but does that go by creation date? I want my latest news to always stop on top
Great little mod ragtek. Helps people like me who use XenPorta as a news delivery system. Allows people who logon with mobile devices to be re-directed straight to the forum with threads sorted.

I just wanted to ask. In the screenshot you have ascending/descending... sorry if this is a dumb question but does that go by creation date? I want my latest news to always stop on top
All standard sort options which are available at the standard xf forum page are possible.


  • sort.webp
    58.2 KB · Views: 20
For forums ordered alphabetically, I want to see aplhanumeric paging... [a] [c] .. [z] [123] instead of the native numerical page numbering for navigation.

If this is added I will buy this add on :)
Very nice!

While I probably could have done this from scratch ... I thought I just modify the code to make this user-set via preferences. Works like a charm! Very helpful!
For forums ordered alphabetically, I want to see aplhanumeric paging... [a] [c] .. [z] [123] instead of the native numerical page numbering for navigation.

If this is added I will buy this add on :)

I believe Waindigo is developing this :)
This add-on will be released soon as a free version including all features from this version + also including support for xenkingdir

Just need to do some tests and wait for the other testers ok, to be sure it's working:)

(I hope it's ok for the x people who paid for this...:) )
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