Server errors?


Active member
My error log is spammed with these.

ErrorException: Template error: Template public:PAGE_CONTAINER is unknown src/XF/Template/Templater.php:582
Generated by: Unknown account Mar 21, 2018 at 1:50 PM
Stack trace
#0 [internal function]: XF\Template\Templater->handleTemplateError(512, 'Template public...', '/home2/forums...', 582, Array)
#1 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(582): trigger_error('Template public...', 512)
#2 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(537): XF\Template\Templater->getTemplateData('public', 'PAGE_CONTAINER')
#3 src/XF/Template/Templater.php(1247): XF\Template\Templater->getTemplateCode('public', 'PAGE_CONTAINER')
#4 src/XF/Pub/App.php(449): XF\Template\Templater->renderTemplate('public:PAGE_CON...', Array)
#5 src/XF/App.php(1726): XF\Pub\App->renderPageHtml('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t<div ...', Array, Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#6 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(310): XF\App->renderPage('\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\t<div ...', Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), Object(XF\Mvc\Renderer\Html))
#7 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(44): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->render(Object(XF\Mvc\Reply\View), 'html')
#8 src/XF/App.php(1891): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#9 src/XF.php(328): XF\App->run()
#10 index.php(13): XF::runApp('XF\\Pub\\App')
#11 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(7) "/board/"
  ["referrer"] => bool(false)
  ["_GET"] => array(0) {
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {

Any idea what it is and how to solve it?
Looks like the master version of the PAGE_CONTAINER template got deleted somehow. This could only happen through some sort of manual action.

If you've since rebuilt the master data and the site is now working, that's all there is left to do.

If you are running your site with debug mode enabled for your account, you need to be very careful you never try to delete or revert any template or phrase with the master language or master style selected.
Looks like the master version of the PAGE_CONTAINER template got deleted somehow. This could only happen through some sort of manual action.

If you've since rebuilt the master data and the site is now working, that's all there is left to do.

If you are running your site with debug mode enabled for your account, you need to be very careful you never try to delete or revert any template or phrase with the master language or master style selected.
Well my site keeps acting weird a minute ago it said the style was unknown and it showed like trash i did rebuild again now works again but i am afraid after a few minutes this will happen again
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