XF 1.5 Send This Page icons missing


When bringing up the Permalink display on a post, some of our users (myself included) see none of the email / social media icons below the "Share This Page" text. Others do see them.

I can't find any permissions that seem to control this.

Any suggestions?
If it's only happening to some users, then it's more than likely going to be a local issue, such as the browser/cache.

I see them as a guest so there doesn't appear to be an issue in XF.
If it's only happening to some users, then it's more than likely going to be a local issue, such as the browser/cache.
That's what I thought too. Refreshing page doesn't change anything. Shutting down Firefox and restarting doesn't change anything. Going in via MS Edge instead of Firefox still doesn't show the icons for me, either. [Scratching head ...]
BINGO!! Disabled ad blocking in my browser for our site and all the social media buttons appeared in all their glory. Of course, I don't use any of them except maybe the mail envelope once in a long time, but they are there. And more importantly, I can tell anyone else missing the buttons how to get them back.

Thanks, Brogan and Terry!
Yeah, for some reason if FontAwesome icons are used for them they can get blocked (and FA warns you about that on their site). Same probably with some of the image names for actual jpg/png images.
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