XF 1.4 “Security error occurred. Please refresh the page and try again.”

This message only seems to occur from the admin interface. admin_sessions table is empty and checks out OK so that doesn't seem to be the problem. It only occurred after I did the last update. Tried on two different browsers. Any thoughts?

The words appear in orange underneath the control panel login.

In Chrome, the problem is different: I get “The requested page could not be found.”
Is this still happening? If so, I would recommend reuploading the files to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't, please go back to <url>/install/ and rebuild the master data.
I'm sorry, I should have gone in and updated. I opened a ticket. The problem appeared to be cache related though it happened on ALL my browsers. I emptied the sessions tables and about an hour after that it magically disappeared.
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