Implemented Search similar threads while typing thread title


Well-known member
This is more for just -this- forum, as it might cut down on repeat topics.

Theres the mod on vB3, where typing in a title for a new thread will automatically search for similar threads, and display them underneath the title box.

I think this should possibly be added, due to how many repeat threads this forum is getting (Reports and suggestions), and its actually something that might be used by default on most forums to cut down on repeat topics.
Upvote 130
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+1 there.

I work on a big xenforo board and I must say it's really madness alert and delete repeated topics about same subject!
That search on create informing if there is topics with same or similar title would be soo helpful. :)
Just found this thread because I made a duplicate thread for this suggestion! (thanks Brogan!)

Anyways, +1 for this as a core feature or plugin! I would definitely use and my mods have been asking for it. ;)

Maybe we can start a fund to pay a developer to get this going!@

Yes this is my most missed feature, for my forums this would HELP a lot!
Anyone perhaps working on this?

A small donation is very possible here.
This is more for just -this- forum, as it might cut down on repeat topics.

Theres the mod on vB3, where typing in a title for a new thread will automatically search for similar threads, and display them underneath the title box.

I think this should possibly be added, due to how many repeat threads this forum is getting (Reports and suggestions), and its actually something that might be used by default on most forums to cut down on repeat topics.

I'm not missing much on the Xenforo software, but this is a most important thing .
It makes it much easier for user to post a new thread without posting doubles....
I'll repost what I said about similar threads here as well...

A lot has to be said for a good old similar threads feature that works well. I've never seen a good one out there for a forum and they can go a long way with increasing activity on a forum. Just look at what blogs finally realized when they started using 'you may also like' plugins. Engagement at its best. Not to mention the SEO benefits of linking together similar topics.

What we've seen:
  • Basic similar threads that match based on keywords in the title
What we really need:
  • Ability to exclude certain forums
  • Match similar threads only on other threads in a forum
  • Stopword filtering
  • Manual inclusion/removal of similar threads
  • Define keywords that should have more importance with matching two similar threads. For example, names of products
  • A display of similar threads that includes a thumbnail picture if available
  • Works with resource manager
What about using Nrelate or another related threads tool like they use on many WordPress sites? Nrelate has an HTML embed code. Maybe it is possible to embed this service into a xenforo forum?
I'll repost what I said about similar threads here as well...
A lot has to be said for a good old similar threads feature that works well. I've never seen a good one out there for a forum
A good similar threads feature is essential for forums that rely on lots of Google traffic.
A major limitation of forums is their lack of structure that organizes content. Forums are like filing cabinets with drawers, but no file folders ... the pages are just stuff in drawers. What really surprises me ... is how BAD forum searching is .... they almost never help you unless you are an expert at forums searching. Similar threads can help you find similar pages in the drawer ... as opposed to looking at each page to see if it is relevant.
I'll repost what I said about similar threads here as well...

A lot has to be said for a good old similar threads feature that works well. I've never seen a good one out there for a forum and they can go a long way with increasing activity on a forum. Just look at what blogs finally realized when they started using 'you may also like' plugins. Engagement at its best. Not to mention the SEO benefits of linking together similar topics.

What we've seen:
  • Basic similar threads that match based on keywords in the title
What we really need:
  • Ability to exclude certain forums
  • Match similar threads only on other threads in a forum
  • Stopword filtering
  • Manual inclusion/removal of similar threads
  • Define keywords that should have more importance with matching two similar threads. For example, names of products
  • A display of similar threads that includes a thumbnail picture if available
  • Works with resource manager
Pretty much:
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