Calm Joe

Hi There

Assuming that we have the knowledge to write a web service using C# .NET, and assuming that the web service handles HTTP calls that eventually should integrate with xenForo to perform functions such as Login etc...
Is there any set of APIs/documentation that we can use to crate the hooks needed to complete the functionality required

There's no built in (RESTful) API at this time, but there are two third party add-ons which add API like functionality. [bd] Api is one and XenAPI is another.

They would likely cover the functionality most services would need.

It is however possible to extend XF yourself to add the bits you need, in case you didn't want to rely on a third party add-on.
XenForo is developed using PHP and MySQL (and of course HTML, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery).

There are some development tutorials, but they are only available to licensed customers.
I should add, your mileage may vary with some of the tutorials. There aren't many "official" tutorials or documentation. I don't want to set a higher expectation than is necessary. But certainly there are some resources that might be useful to get started, and there's always our XenForo Development Discussions forum which is always a good place to start if you have any development related questions (again for licensed customers).
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