Add-on Safe URL


I'm interested in an addon that would convert user-submitted URLs (which could be overridden with a permission) that would take a link like

and transform it to something like<linkresourceID>

And I could then run that against a list of databases (whether it pulls from existing databases from an API or my own) and if matching would display a warning to the user that gives some sort of reasoning on why the link is "unsafe" (website does drive-by downloads, hosts illegal content, etc).

I could not find anything like this in existence.
I've had this problem in the past where users malicious arseholes would post links to sites with drive-by Java malware.
Partially solved it by censoring a few well-known free domain and short-URL services.
This could also help identify spammers who use their profile information to advertise, or send mass PMs with spam.

Unfortunately such a system won't be able to catch new or custom-made malware, which is what my site has experienced.

Twitter does something similar with
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