XF 2.2 RSS Feed Importer


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What are some BB Codes we can use in the Message template?

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I have noticed in the RSS feed there are other codes like (pubDate, media:content, medpic, THUMB, featured_thumbnail) can any of these be pulled to the below thread?

<title>Torquing ARP High-Strength Connecting Rod Bolts Like A Pro</title>
<![CDATA[ According to experts, incorrectly torquing rod bolts is an invitation for galled or stripped threads. We went to ARP Bolts for the proper procedure. Find out how to do it like a pro. ]]>
<pubDate>Sat, 14 Aug 2021 01:56:21 +0000</pubDate>
<media:content xmlns:media="http://seach.yahoo.com/mrss" url="https://www.fordmuscle.com/image/2021/07/torquing-app-high-strength-connecting-rod-bolts-like-a-pro-2021-07-27_09-55-29_953595-480x320.jpeg" medium="image"/>

Is there a way to get atleast one image or more description then just a plan line like below?
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Displaying any images which are present in the feed would require custom development.
But why this is not implemented natively in XF ?
Feeds comes with images so why there are not displayed in the thread created ?

It will be great when the destination forum is sets to Articles.

False joy ... most auto-created threads don't import images. I don't know why ... I am using 7 different feeds and only 1 is getting the pictures in the articles. I would have to see if the structure of the feeds differ from one to another to understand what is preventing the images from being imported. But maybe a xenforo developer could teach us more.
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