Fixed RSS Feed importer not keeping settings on save

Mr Lucky

Well-known member
Affected version
I tick this: Post as the following user:

But after saving it has reverted to default: Post as guest, use name information from feed data.


Just realised the latest version is 2.0.7, apologies if this was fixed.

[EDIT] No, still an issue with 2.0.7
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I believe that will happen if the user name you're using does not exist on your site.

OK, so it's still a bug (IMO) as it is a bit misleading. Or maybe I am just really dumb. (No, please don't answer that)

I assumed it would post as the username you put there, whether the user existed or not.
It should at least throw an error that the user doesn't exist if it's going to revert back to the default.

I agree with that, so still a bug IMO.

Also, the chances are that if you don't want the user from the original feedsite, you want the posts to be something like from a user called "Feed from" so people know it's a feed. Otherwise they think all of that was posted by some actual user of your forum.
Most people get around it by creating a user called 'Feed Bot' or some such thing.

Yes, just did that but it's a workaround, so still a bug IMO. If you click on the created user, people will still they are a some odd member of the forum, maybe even try to PC them.
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