XF 2.1 RSS Feed Importer Filter


Well-known member
Is it possible with the XF 2.1 RSS Feed Importer to filter what RSS articles are imported via keywords or other method?

With vB 4.2.5 (where I'm coming from)...RSS articles could be filtered via the use of keywords...thus only articles that contained those keywords would be imported.

Text from vBulletin ACP: "Only insert items if they contain one or more of these words."

This greatly reduces the number of imported RSS articles that come from sites that have a broad array of content...but forum website may only be interested in specific "slices" of that content.

I hope this is possible.

Hello Ozzy47. A quick question for this add-on. I know it can filter for single words...can it also do multi-word phrases?

For example...if I wanted an RSS article to only be posted if it contained words as a phrase like:

Albert Einstein
Ford Mustang
Jumbo Shrimp

If this is possible...is there any special way it needs to be added to the Filter Keywords area of the add-on?

In vBulletin...multi-word phrases like this needed to be placed inside double quotes to work properly...like "Ford Mustang" "Albert Einstein" "Jumbo Shrimp".

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