RM 24 Hour Sale

That's why so many people complain about trying to buy it, right? :rolleyes:

Not everyone has or can use paypal.

Would love to see any alternative which would allow me to use a Visa Card, Master Card, Discover Card, or American Express

Google checkout springs to mind and wouldn't be too difficult to implement I wouldn't imagine. But as I said in a previous thread - other priorities are higher right now. This should take a back burner for the moment as it probably affects ~1% of people.
Anybody got $20 I can borrow? I'm broke until I get paid...on the 1st. :(

I hate getting paid monthly.

edit: Holy heck, guys! I was mostly joking/venting! But I got a bunch of messages with people hooking me up. I forget that there are good people out there sometimes. You guys are the greatest. Probably why I'm still around posting on a business website!
Anybody got $20 I can borrow? I'm broke until I get paid...on the 1st. :(

I hate getting paid monthly.

edit: Holy heck, guys! I was mostly joking/venting! But I got a bunch of messages with people hooking me up. I forget that there are good people out there sometimes. You guys are the greatest. Probably why I'm still around posting on a business website!
I was just about to PC you myself till i saw your edit :D
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