XF 2.1 Rights Confusion

Steve Freides

Active member
Background: We run the user promotion supplied to us - when a user posts 3 times, they are added to a group called Verified.

Question/problem: I have messed up - no other way to put it - the rights of my Verified Users in that no one has the option to see/edit their Signature, except me as an admin. My group Registered and my group Verified are both set for Edit Signature = Yes, but no one sees this option appear below their name, although other options do appear, e.g., Your Content, Account Details, etc. (And the Sig option doesn't appear under Account Details, either).

Any idea what I may have done? My interest is in saying Yes to this for Verified but No or Never for Registered, even saying Yes to it for Unregistered still doesn't have it appear.

Thanks in advance for your help.

Everything that starts with "Maximum", from "... printable characters" to "... text size says 0. Is that the problem? For some other things, not filling in a value means it's unrestricted - I didn't change these things from default values so far as I know.

I appreciate your help.

If you haven't changed the defaults and it doesn't appear to be a permission issue, based on the analyser results, then I would have to assume it's either a third party add-on or style involved, as out of the box, the Registered user group does allow members to create signatures.
Adding some non-zero values to the various SIG options for the group Verified seems to fix the problem.

We are, btw, planning on the upgrade to 2.2, just wanted to have all of our rights "ducks in a row" before we do that.

I'm resurrecting this thread because, although my current problem is different, it's quite similar. Learned (see above) that even though something appears to have sufficient permissions, it might not. Here's my current quandary - Edit Own Thread Title

Relevant groups: Unregistered, Registered, Verified

Forum Node: We are a fitness forum on which people keep their own training log. The Category is Training Logs. There are two forums, Public and Members Only. (Public = visible w/o a login, Members Only requires you be a member of Registered/Verified.)

General Permissions:

Screen Shot 2020-11-02 at 2.26.20 PM.webpScreen Shot 2020-11-02 at 2.26.38 PM.webp

And when I check my two Training Log forums, same result for both, Registered is No, Verified is Yes.

My test user is named Phred Phorum. :)

Any insights appreciated - I'm stumped.

I wanted them to be able to edit thread titles but not post content after those time. I'm pretty sure it used to work that way, but regardless of that, it doesn't sound like that's an option now - is that right? We try to prevent people from deleting their own content, and when they're given rights to edit, sometimes they delete all the content they're created. But we're OK with them editing the title of a thread they've created.

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