XF 2.2 Restore backup over existing database


Active member
On my testing I restored a backup over existing database, and it seems everything is working fine. is there any difference or risk for restoring over existing database than empty database?
On my testing I restored a backup over existing database, and it seems everything is working fine. is there any difference or risk for restoring over existing database than empty database?
Is this using phpmyadmin? I always drop tables first. I didn't used to and did have a couple of issues but never been able to ascertain to was due to restroring over existing tables.

To be on the safe side I just drop all existing tables first, there is nothing to be lost IMO.
Is this using phpmyadmin? I always drop tables first. I didn't used to and did have a couple of issues but never been able to ascertain to was due to restroring over existing tables.

To be on the safe side I just drop all existing tables first, there is nothing to be lost IMO.
I run it by command line ,
mysql -uUSERNAME -pPASSWORD DBNAME < backup.sql

On Xenforo2.2.12 and Mariadb10.6
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