XF 1.5 Responsive Landscape view on new iPhone (11)


I'm seeing something new on an iPhone 11 that I have not seen on earlier device versions. The iPhone 10 may be similar, I don’t have one to check, but the responsive layout on my iPhone 7 Plus is fine.

In Portrait mode the site looks fine — responsive code forces the sidebar to the bottom so the page content fills the viewport, as it should.

However, in Landscape mode the content and sidebar fill the viewport, which is not ideal because once you scroll past the sidebar all of the primary page content is squeezed to the left.

Any suggestions on how to get the primary content area to fill the screen in landscape and push the sidebar down below with this larger screen?

For reference, if you have an iPhone 11, the site is: https://www.hornfans.com/

You can change the breakpoints in the style properties.

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