Resources Xenforo really needs to have!


Well-known member
  1. Marketplace like IP Nexus
  2. Product Review System
  3. Full blown CMS
  4. Classified / Auctions
  5. Mass PM
  6. Arcade
  7. Mobile like VB
Can you think of any others?
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I'm happy with what I have but I'd like both xf and vb to have a mod like ip.content from ipb.. that thing is amazing imo
  1. Marketplace like IP Nexus - will investigate.
  2. Product Review System - would be nice.
  3. Full blown CMS - Wordpress is better than vB's CMS by a mile
  4. Classified / Auctions - i vaguely remember one is being made.
  5. Mass PM (Notices and Mass Alert)
  6. Arcade - not really needed.
  7. Mobile like VB - NEEDED, badly
Can you think of any others?
Yes, Pages.

Something that would be way more useful than all of that would be fixing Xenforo's crippled Pages to being able to use the default XF editor and enable Pages to integrate with What's new and Likes and Alerts. You'd need to add in some Pages permissions and an index page. But it would be golden after that.
Guiltar was close to making this a reality, but I think he has lost interest in releasing it.
Yes, Pages.

Something that would be way more useful than all of that would be fixing Xenforo's crippled Pages to being able to use the default XF editor and enable Pages to integrate with What's new and Likes and Alerts. You'd need to add in some Pages permissions and an index page. But it would be golden after that.
Guiltar was close to making this a reality, but I think he has lost interest in releasing it.
I am highly thinking of using Wordpress as my homepage/cms very soon, but I will hold off if there is Anyone actually creating a CMS for Xenforo as we speak. My main thing is getting the Wordpress header/navbar/bg to be the same as my Xenforo ....if anyone can do this then plz lemme know :D
I am highly thinking of using Wordpress as my homepage/cms very soon, but I will hold off if there is Anyone actually creating a CMS for Xenforo as we speak. My main thing is getting the Wordpress header/navbar/bg to be the same as my Xenforo ....if anyone can do this then plz lemme know :D
Ask bambua (he's been busy tho) about styling WP to look like XF.
There is this .... XenDynamic. (uses XF CSS to style WP) and for login and comment integration.
I'm think of helping fund a Pages tool for Wordpress.

Ideally WP - XF integration would use WP as the master database, but so far that doesn't exist.
Arcade? lol Since when is that a "must have" for *any* forum software?
I know i know....dude the forum I run is mainly for business owners over the age of 35+ when I was on VB, these guys played the Arcade games more than I seen anyone play before, all their old school games they loved such as ms pacman etc. and all of them were super competitive and the whole area was a big hit imo. I know its not for everyone, I should have stated Resources that I would like to have for my forum :D
the forum I run is mainly for business owners over the age of 35+ when I was on VB, these guys played the Arcade games more than I seen anyone play before, all their old school games they loved such as ms pacman etc
you tried ?

FYI - I'm good at space invaders. I played Space Invaders when Arcades were cool and the older kids would put their cigarettes down when playing and they would inevitably cause burn marks on the plastic buttons.

Robotron, Defender, Ms. Pacman, Donkey Kong, Missle Command.
All the great pinball games.
What great days those were.
If these features would make sense to your community in short and long term growth, post an addon request.
If you offer to pay an attractive amount, developers will drop what they do to make what you want.
If these features are just gimme/freebies and do not serve the purpose of your site, you are just throwing money away. How many forums out there have arcade games?
How many forums out there in your niche has data about your industry that nobody else have?
My site isn't running XenForo... which is why I have no site that can run it right now. :)
You can run it live on my site, can I beta test it? I have a lot of products to list right off the bat, I can list them send some donation $$ :p

Still owe you lunch for creating such an awesome ad plugin that made my adsense spike up haha
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