@wang you make a valid point, and that will not hurt your reputation at all,

I added support for the widget framework for one of my add-ons. The XML went from 19K to 28K. I will not be supporting the widget framework any more, in any of my add-ons.
A review should be solely based on if it does what it is suppose to do, and is it bug free. And if not bug free, did the developer fix the bugs in a timely manner. A review should not be based on if it is compatible with a poorly written add-on. And the widget framework is just that. If it wasn't there would be no issues with other add-ons. Any issues with other add-ons/styles should not reflect in the scores, but be stated as a side note. Those who lower the score because it doesn't work with X add-on, or Y style is just trying to pressure you to do what they want you to do for free, when they should be going after the other add-on/stylist to fix the compatibility problems.
The current review system is just a bullying tool.