XF 2.2 Reset all threads previously marked as solved


I previously used TH's Q&A addon, which became obsolete after XF integrated it in 2.2. I tried running an importer to convert the counters, but now all threads are marked as solved, and the last post in the thread is now set as the solution.

Is there any way to revert all solved threads to open questions? At this point I'd rather have no posts marked as a solution than having every thread displaying incorrect info as the right answer to a question.
Found a stupid workaround while using Batch update threads: Change all thread types to questions, then convert them to discussions, and back to questions. All threads will have their status back to 'open' again. In my case, since I have dedicated nodes for questions, this did the job. In case you have a node with mixed thread types, this might not be the best idea.
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