Request SMS register add-on.


Active member
Use sms verification to replace email. all features just like email verification and as Extra features.
  1. like email verification, user need to verify sms code.
  2. user can resend sms ( with time limitation, in * minutes user can request send 1 sms)
  3. storage user's phone number in their profile and only admin/userself can see and change. (just like email address storage)
  4. I want to use TECENT sms service or alibaba's API.
please send me price and how long time, thanks
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If this proceeds for you, can you keep the community informed. I have other functions that I would like to integrate with SMS alerts.
Yes, I don't need alerts just SMS registion. China gov asks all forums must store user's phone number in database.
China gov asks all forums must store user's phone number in database.
Creating a custom user field and making it mandatory upon registration should achieve that. Or the number being validated is also part of the requirement?
Creating a custom user field and making it mandatory upon registration should achieve that. Or the number being validated is also part of the requirement?
All features of this addon just like email registion.
I found someone in China help me to do this.
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