Report Center vs. Report Forum

Report Center or Report Forum - What do you use?

  • Report Center

  • Report Forum

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Well-known member
After reading a reply to a suggestion I wonder:
Do you use the report center or do you send reports to a forum?
Why did you choose this setup?
Have you tried the other option?
How large is your forum (< 100 K posts, < 1M, > 5M)?
How many reports do get processed on average/day?
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Report Centre
It's easier and smoother than a report forum, better notification.
Yes, prior to report centre.
> 2M
<500,000 posts

Report forum.

Permissions for registered to view own thread and mods to view all

It means mods can have a discussion with the reporter
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I use Report Improvements & Report Queues for XF1 fairly heavily which implements a pile of extra functionality in the Report Center. Still need to migrate those to XF2
I use both!

On PropertyChat, we have a fairly strict workflow where the moderators only take care of fairly minor issues and everything else is reported to the administrator for action. We rely on the report centre for tracking these tasks. There is rarely more than a couple of comments on reports. We have 600K posts and averages about 10-20 reports per day. I do wish we had more flexibility in discussing content like a report forum gives us.

On ZooChat, we have a much more collaborative workflow where the moderators take care of most content related issues (but not user-related) and there is often a LOT of discussion about reports before action is taken. We found the report comments completely inadequate for tracking reports - especially without any notification mechanisms (I believe that XF2 allows us to @mention users in comments - which is a step forward) - so we use a report forum and use thread prefixes to denote report status. ZooChat has 900K posts and averages around 5-10 reports per day. I do wish we had the tracking ability that the report centre gives us.
@Sim my report improvements bolts on alerts for mentions & comments to XF1 reports, only way it is usable for us
We used Report Centre for the first 3-ish years due to the version we were on (we were stuck on 1.3.something for a long time), but switched to a forum about a year and half ago after I upgraded to 1.5.13. Our mods tend to work as a team and discuss reports a lot, which we are finding to be easier in a forum than it was in the Report Centre.

We are getting maybe a couple reports a week if that, but it goes in fits and starts. As of now, we haven't had any since Sept. 21. Our total posts is c. 275K but that's over four and a bit years. We get maybe 700-1200 posts per week, a lot of which are short, low quality stuff like game threads.
Do you use the report center or do you send reports to a forum? Report centre
Why did you choose this setup? At the time we were just giving it a try because it was new. We used a report forum on VB previously.
Have you tried the other option? Yes
How large is your forum: > 5M
How many reports do get processed on average/day? Maybe 10–20/day, but it varies.

Personally, I think the report forum worked better. We used prefixes to mark issues as complete. However, it's convenient to have the notification at the top showing how many reports there are, and it's nice that a mod can be assigned a report. We still start a discussion thread if the issue needs more than a brief chat, because the comments aren't really functional for anything but the simplest reports, like broken images/dead links/etc.
We used prefixes to mark issues as complete.

Same process as us. We also close the thread. Doesn't stop people from posting since mods and admins can post in closed threads, but the lock is another signal that it's complete.
Without @Xon 's addons relating to reports & warnings: Report Forum
With @Xon 's addons: Definitely Report Center.
It saves me so much time. Reports auto-close after moderation actions and warning actions. How cool is that?
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