Removing the padding or margin left of logo?


Active member
I'm drawing a blank and i cannot find it anywhere. I'm obviously missing something simple but i searched and can't find anything else on this. need to remove the approx 20px gap to the left of it.
I spy a left margin in your CSS:

/* logo temporary margin fix */
#logo {
	margin-left: 18px;

Search the templates for this and you should find it:

Admin CP -> Appearance

Screen shot 2011-06-20 at 9.38.07 PM.webp
No luck, thanks for the reply though. I went through all the CSS to do with the logo, all i know of anyway and there's no margins or anything. Unless it's padding not apart of the logo? I don't know.
        display: block;
        float: left;
        line-height: {xen:calc '@headerLogoHeight - 4'}px;
        *line-height: @headerLogoHeight;
        height: @headerLogoHeight;
        vertical-align: middle;

        /* IE6/7 vertical align fix */
        #logo span
            *display: inline-block;
            *height: 100%;

        #logo a:hover
            text-decoration: none;

        #logo img
            vertical-align: middle;

None of that seems to be affecting it. Unless I'm just completely missing something.
As Jake said, you have this as custom css.
Search for "logo temporary margin fix" in the templates.

/* --- xeno_custom.css --- */

/* logo temporary margin fix */
#logo {
margin-left: 18px;
If by search you mean "Search Templates" then "Template Contains" i have done that and it found no results. I tried as many searches out of that CSS I could.
From the ACP click on APPEARANCE, then do not click on anything else.

In the upper right corner of your screen, below the word STYLES you will see a search box with the words "template code" in it. Type in that box and press search.
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