XF 2.2 Removing the number from the URL for an addon


Well-known member
Now this has been asked before but I was wondering if anyone had approached something similar for an addon. Technically every XF thread doesn't need a unique numeric identifier appended at the end of the title in the visible URL. However, for the purpose intended, it is most sensible. I have a glossary where each entry is unique and all possible meanings fall under each individual, unique alphanumeric entry. Hence it doesn't need a visible identifier on the front end to differentiate between entries that clash too (e.g., "do-you-like-my-forum" v. 'do-you-like-my-forum-2' which Wordpress does automatically in the background when this happens using their URL rewrites.)

I'm wondering if anyone designed an addon that might be able to generate such (and in the back end obviously keeps track of the unique url) as it would be a whole lot easier to manage for a variety of reasons. Curious to know your thoughts.
I think you can use the route filters to change a specific thread title so it doesn't have the ID. This does mean setting it up for every thread in your glossary though.
I think you can use the route filters to change a specific thread title so it doesn't have the ID. This does mean setting it up for every thread in your glossary though.
Thank you for suggesting an interesting possibility. I would hesitate to go in this direction and would prefer something automated because I'm speaking of a 20,000 word glossary. :) Essentially that's what this addon would do - keep a database of the actual unique ID number and correlate it to the route shown publicly.
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