XF 2.1 Removing parts of .message-userExtras on mobile version


Well-known member
Hello all,

Currently I have the following shown on my mobile version of the forums:
    .message:not(.message--forceColumns) .message-userExtras {display:inline !important; position: absolute;
    right: 10px;}

However, the userExtras has to many lines (like joined, messages, points, etc..) for the height set at 80px (.message-cell--user section {height:80px !important;}).

Question 1: Now is it possible to remove such individual lines from the userExtras just for the mobile version (@media (max-width: 650px)). If so, how do I manage to do that?

Question 2: How do I remove userbanners from the mobile version and only show usertitle?

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