Removing MyBB tags after importing database

Here are the values you can use in that addon.

Updating the [align=center][/align] tags:

Quick Find:

Regular Expression:

Replacement String:


Screen shot 2011-09-07 at 8.45.45 PM.webp

Updating the [size=x-small][/size] tags:

Quick Find:

Regular Expression:

Replacement String:


Screen shot 2011-09-07 at 8.52.18 PM.webp
Thank you, you are awesome :p

Too bad it doesn't clean the tags when there are multiple lines or images etc, we'll have to clean a lot of the messages and signatures (there are 20 000 members and 250k messages, good luck to us ^^)
You could also try a simple replace using SQL, which may capture some of the others.

For example:
UPDATE xf_post SET message = REPLACE(message,'[size=x-small]','[SIZE=1]')

You won't be able to do that with the closing align tag though as it will vary depending on whether it is center, right or left.
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