XF 2.0 Removing a failed addon install (FIXED)


Active member
I tried to install Country Flags but got a 403 error during install. The forum is running but I have a notice about "manual rebuild jobs" waiting to run. I can't remove the addon and my hostprovider doesn't know what's triggering the 403.

The last steps of the add-on installation create files in the data folder for your site. It sounds like your data folder is not writable by the user PHP runs as. Make sure the the data folder can be written to by the user PHP runs as.

So far as removing a failed install, I don't know. I've never run across that problem. And I've never seen any info about that from XenForo themself.
The folder is CHMOD 777. The childs are 755
I tried to install Country Flags but got a 403 error during install. The forum is running but I have a notice about "manual rebuild jobs" waiting to run. I can't remove the addon and my hostprovider doesn't know what's triggering the 403.

The folder is CHMOD 777. The childs are 755
Are there any errors in the Admin area?

Have you tried running the rebuild jobs?
I assume you mean the data/countryflags folder?
Yes. Thanks for your help.
A 403 error is a forbidden error.

It could be mod security or some other server related security mechanism.

It's not something XF would do.
My host can't track it down. They already whitelisted a couple modsecurity rules and say it's probably apache related:

[Sat Jan 20 23:46:12.340011 2018] [:error] [pid 21300:tid 140462400952064] [client X.X.X.X:51459] client denied by server configuration: /home/mysite/public_html/forum/admin.php, referer: https://mysite.com/forum/admin.php?tools/run-job&only_ids=215&_xfRedirect=https%3A%2F%2Fmysite.com%2Fforum%2Fadmin.php%3Fadd-ons%2FSnog-Flags%2Ffinalize%26t%3D1516509972%252C7e4d3127e446b10c17fcc1d439eab125%26a%3Dinstall
Can I open a ticket? Tech support disabled mod security without any success. He also tried the wiki page Chris suggested--I don't think he was that familiar with that process.
There's not a lot we can do to help, unfortunately. It's a server issue and if your own hosting provider is not in a position to help then that is highly concerning.
No problem. While I was looking at your site and trying to install my add-on I realized it wasn't just giving a no permission error for the install but it was banning me from your entire site for around 10 seconds. And the only apache mod that I know of that does that is mod_evasive.

Glad it's solved and you know how to work around it now. ;)
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