Hi @Brogan, so isn't possible to remove "threads" from the link as I read. The problem is that google doesn't like long links, so the urls wrote in this way are seen too long and not as fully optimized.
The best suggested, is to have a link for a thread as this (short and clean):
Isn't possible in some way to set it as this? Also because what is really need is the id number of the content to reach it, so adding also the thread title (of the friendly urls) is the best, the rest is not needed and is seen as link not well optimized. This is also shown in the SEO tools that are on the net for checking the SEO ranking of a site, where is always found this kind of problem and adviced this:
Friendly URLs
Some of your link URLs do not appear friendly to humans or search engines. We would recommend making links as readable as possible by reducing length, file names, code strings and special characters.
And it shows also this message by checking my site.