XF 1.5 Remove navtabs?


Active member
I've searched around a great deal for this, but how do I completely remove navtabs, like say here I wanted to remove resources or media how do I remove it as I dont see a viable option.

I have 3 modules to add to my site and each adds a navtab but I only wish for the navtabs to be added that I want from those 3 otherwise things are going to get pretty cramped.
It depends on the add-on and how it has been added.

In the case of XFRM and XFMG, the tabs are added via code, so the only option is to modify the code via an add-on or hide them via CSS.
It depends on the add-on and how it has been added.

In the case of XFRM and XFMG, the tabs are added via code, so the only option is to modify the code via an add-on or hide them via CSS.

I believe they are added through the listener files, so how do I actually hide them? I tried through extra.css but I'm not 100% on what I should be adding.
You will need to use the browser inspector to see if the tab has a specific named class.

I'm on my tablet so don't have any browser tools available to check.
You will need to use the browser inspector to see if the tab has a specific named class.

I'm on my tablet so don't have any browser tools available to check.

I'm not 100% on what I am looking for the browser says the link is
<div id="content" class="yfl_rivals_index">

Sorry to seem dense but is this what I am looking for? And if it is what am I actually putting on the code to remove it.
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