XF 1.3 remind me how to disable the second homepage tab again...

Sean B.

Active member
Just for clarification, this in NOT (and I use that word strongly) about the xenporta portal home tab in the navbar this is about the one that is added when you install XF and basically I had to re-install xenforo plus I changed my domain name and yes I edited my license info, however do having to re-install xenforo I have to add everything back, the domain names are as follows...

basically the reason I had to re-install xenforo is because when transferring my pokemon domain from bluehost to hostgator my website got ****ed up and I now have to redo all the former work I had put into it. But to start off I need a reminder on how to remove the extra home tab, its been a while since I did it last and I can't remember how to do it now.


P.S. Please don't ask why I didn't have help transferring my pokemon site, cus tbh I don't know why so I can't give a straight answer for that.=/
Options -> Home Page URL

Any other questions related to two home tabs must be asked in the xenporta thread, as it is directly related to that add-on.
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