Our forum at is showing an error when you try to register in all browsers.
To replicate, please go to sign up and when you press through to the next step, you will get a blank page with an error.
The error is "Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data."
I have re-uploaded all of the Xenforo files so I can only assume it's a server issue.
My hosting company was able to replicate this problem too. One of my team was able to register though and thought that it may have been a caching issue.
Many thanks,
To replicate, please go to sign up and when you press through to the next step, you will get a blank page with an error.
The error is "Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data."
I have re-uploaded all of the Xenforo files so I can only assume it's a server issue.
My hosting company was able to replicate this problem too. One of my team was able to register though and thought that it may have been a caching issue.
Many thanks,