Register Email

Register Email 3.8

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what is a solution for dropdown custome field in register email add on in xenfor . which add i used? and how to solve the email issue.because dropdown value is not supported..please give me replay on
please replay quick its urgent.....
I'm not sure why the post two above has been mentioned and reported twice.

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Hi, keep getting these messages when trying to install with "install & upgrade" addon : Callback Andy_RegisterEmail_Listener::Register is invalid (Invalid Class)
does anyone know why?

I'm receiving the same error. Like you, I'm also trying to install with Install & Upgrade.

***** EDIT *****

I just wanted to follow up and say that @AndyB was kind enough to contact me directly with the solution to this issue. Apparently this can't be installed using Install & Upgrade -- it needs to be installed manually. Once I did this, everything worked smooth as silk.

Thanks again, Andy! :)
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can't install, I received this error:
Callback Andy_RegisterEmail_Listener::Register is invalid (Invalid Class).

!! Solved installing Manually. !!
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AndyB updated Register Email with a new update entry:

See description

Register Email v3.1 changes:

Removed support for Facebook, Google, Twitter and Stream registration due to problems. The problem is that if later the member associates their account with Facebook, Google or Twitter, an email was sent. See this link to see what I mean by associate account:

If a new registration is made using Facebook, Google or Twitter, no email is sent.

Read the rest of this update entry...
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AndyB said:
Removed support for Facebook, Google, Twitter and Stream registration due to problems. The problem is that if later the member associates their account with Facebook, Google or Twitter, an email was sent. See this link to see what I mean by associate account:

Hi Andy, what kind of problems? I never noticed any problems. For me it was one of the main features to see if someone registered using Default/Facebook/etc. :-(

Same here, I never noticed a problem. I keep using 2.0 as long as it works.
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Can this add-on be configured to only notify when there's a new user account awaiting approval?

Edit: AndyB replied via PM; it's not possible.
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I noticed something odd with this addon the other day related to the email to/from.

When I set the Email from Username to "" and the Email To to "", what happens is that the register email generated gets sent to the "board" address, but the "vanity name" or whatever you want to call it, is what shows up in the received email. So I'm using thunderbird for instance, and the email that I receive at the "board" email address appears to be intended to be sent to the "webmaster" address, because that's what the text in the To field shows up at, but when you mouse over it, it pops up with the "board" email address, and if I right-click edit contact, it's the "board" addres. It's really weird, and then my TB filter which sorts the "webmaster" emails to a specific folder will pick up on the "vanity" name and push it to that folder, even though the email was actually (physically) sent to the "board" address.

I know this because the "webmaster" address and the "board" address are actual mailboxes/account in cPanel, not forwarders. So if it was supposed to go to the "webmaster" email, I would see it show up in that inbox.

Then, the email itself comes from the default XF address, in this case, "". The way the addon options are presented, it makes it seem like if anything was entered in this field, like "Joe Blow", then the email would appear to be originating from "Joe Blow" and maybe then when you mouseover it, it would show the default XF email address. But in my case, when I entered in the "webmaster" email address in the Email from Username field, it took that and applied that as the vanity name to the Email to address.

So if I used "Joe Blow" for Email from Username and then "", the result would be that the email alert comes from the normal XF default address, then the "To" on the email shows up as "Joe Blow" with email address "".

Anyone else seeing this?
Just installed this and it is working perfectly.
What a superb addon.

Thank you so muych for this, life will be easier now.
Hello, folks. Thanks, Andy, for a wonderful AddOn.

Edit: The error was my fault. I had botched an upgrade. Please ignore the rest of this post.
Thanks for the help (sent via PM/PC)!

I'm getting a message in my Server Error Log whenever someone registers:
Server Error Log
Error Info
ErrorException: Undefined index: known - library/Andy/RegisterEmail/ControllerPublic/Register.php:64
Generated By: adudefromleeds, 7 minutes ago
Stack Trace

#0 /home/ptpn/public_html/forum/library/Andy/RegisterEmail/ControllerPublic/Register.php(64): XenForo_Application::handlePhpError(8, 'Undefined index...', '/home/ptpn/publ...', 64, Array)
#1 /home/ptpn/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(347): Andy_RegisterEmail_ControllerPublic_Register->actionRegister()
#2 /home/ptpn/public_html/forum/library/XenForo/FrontController.php(134): XenForo_FrontController->dispatch(Object(XenForo_RouteMatch))
#3 /home/ptpn/public_html/forum/index.php(13): XenForo_FrontController->run()
#4 {main}

Here is where the problem is happening:
if ($registerEmailLocation)
// get location
$tags = get_meta_tags(' =' . $ipAddress);

// define location only if we have data
if ($tags['known'] == 'true')
    $location = $tags['city'] . ', ' . $tags['region'] . ', ' . $tags['country'];

As you can see, the code just requests a web page from for the person's address. If a meta-tag "known" is set in the head of the document, it constructs the location from other meta tags in the head.

That's simple enough. I was curious, so I reconstructed the web page that the code was requesting:
FREE Online IP Address Location Tool | Geobytes

If you look at the html that is returned, there is no 'known' meta tag. No wonder it's throwing an error.

This would suggest that other people should also be getting errors in your Server Error Log. Are you?

Any ideas on how to fix this?

Thanks in advance for any help.

XenForo 1.4.10, RegisterEmail 3.10, PHP 5.5.20 (cgi-fcgi), cPanel/WHM on a VPS, kept reasonably up to date but with no special geoip software installed that I know of
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