Regarding the "Share This Media" block


Well-known member

Background: this bug already fixed in 1.0.5

On responsive portrait mode when you see an album you don't see the "Share This Page" block unless you switch to landscape mode.

However still on responsive portrait mode when you see a media you can see the "Share This Media" block but only those textboxes with URLs, not the social buttons.

Is this as designed? I'm still wondering: if you have plenty of space in portrait mode to show those textboxes with URLs why don't you also show the social buttons? The same when viewing an album.

Tested on Chrome in Galaxy Note 3.

It's as designed.

XenForo hides the share buttons because it seems unlikely anyone would scroll all the way down to the bottom of the sidebar in order to use the share buttons.

The share links, however, are likely more often used and more useful so they are not hidden.
Well, the problem is that I have removed all those textboxes on the "Share This Media" block that is displayed when viewing a media by deleting this entire block from the template xengallery_media_view_sidebar:

                <dl class="shareLinks"><dt>{xen:phrase xengallery_share_page}:</dt>
                        <div class="titleInput">
                            <input type="text" class="copyCtrl CopyInput textCtrl iconInput full" id="SharePageInput" value="{xen:link full:xengallery, $media}" />
                <xen:if is="{$media.media_type} == 'image_upload'">
                    <dl class="shareLinks"><dt>{xen:phrase xengallery_share_image}:</dt>
                            <div class="titleInput">
                                <input type="text" class="copyCtrl CopyInput textCtrl iconInput full" id="ShareImageInput" value="{xen:link full:xengallery/full, $media}" />
                    <dl class="shareLinks"><dt>{xen:phrase xengallery_share_bb_code}:</dt>
                            <div class="titleInput">
                                <input type="text" class="copyCtrl CopyInput textCtrl iconInput full" id="ShareLinkBbInput" value="[IMG]{xen:link full:xengallery/full, $media}[/IMG]" />
                    <dl class="shareLinks"><dt>{xen:phrase xengallery_share_bb_thumb_code}:</dt>
                            <div class="titleInput">
                                <input type="text" class="copyCtrl CopyInput textCtrl iconInput full" id="ShareImageBbInput" value="[URL={xen:link full:xengallery, $media}][IMG]{$externalThumbnailUrl}[/IMG][/URL]" />
                <xen:else />
                    <dl class="shareLinks"><dt>{xen:phrase xengallery_share_bb_code_video}:</dt>
                            <div class="titleInput">
                                <input type="text" class="copyCtrl CopyInput textCtrl iconInput full" id="ShareVideoBbInput" value="{$media.media_tag}{xen:phrase xengallery_x_by_y_posted_z, 'title={$media.media_title}', 'user={$media.username}', 'date={xen:datetime $media.media_date}'}" />

                <dl class="shareLinks"><dt>{xen:phrase xengallery_share_gallery_bb_code}:</dt>
                        <div class="titleInput">
                            <input type="text" class="copyCtrl CopyInput textCtrl iconInput full" id="ShareLinkGalBbInput" value="[GALLERY=media, {$media.media_id}]{xen:phrase xengallery_x_by_y_posted_z, 'title={$media.media_title}', 'user={$media.username}', 'date={xen:datetime $media.media_date, absolute}'}[/GALLERY]" />

And guess what? Yes, on responsive portrait mode I see a blank "Share This Media" block. The ideal thing would be to not see that block at all since there is no content to display (unless you switch to landscape mode when you can see the social buttons inside the block).

Any workaround? :(
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