XF 1.3 Redirection script no longer redirecting threads?


Well-known member
Here's a strange one - imported from vb3.8 + vbseo to xf 1.3.4.

Kier's redirection script worked fine - everything appeared to be redirected.

Upgraded to 1.3.5 and installed a couple of addons.

But now the old vb3 thread URLs are no longer redirecting.

Re-installed the redirect files on the old server, double-checked .htaccess rules and domain 301 direct - all seems to be there.

Is there any obvious reason why this might be the case? Have been slightly tearing my hair out trying to fix this. :)

EDIT:It may be that the table with the IDs has emptied, but I'm not sure which that might be? I have a table called archived_import_log, but if the IDs were stored elsewhere, I might be able to recover them from my test import.
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There is nothing in the upgrade process that would prevent the redirects from working (or, if done as expected, do anything to change the redirects at all).

Example URLs would help.
I didn't think the upgrade would change anything, but I'm just wondering something may have happened to the table with the IDs for redirects?

In the meantime, here's the old site:
http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:dsoWmRipAfwJ:www.sffchronicles.co.uk/forum/ &cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=uk&client=firefox-a

Example URL:

should redirect to:

And internal links should redirect to the new install:

On the old .co.uk site, I have:

- public_html folder with vbulletin installed in /forum/,
- Kier's scripts uploaded to that
- htaccess with a rewrite redirect to the new .com site

On the new site, I have htaccess with the rewrite rules from Kier's tool.

I could have sworn everything was working fine earlier this week (I made the changeover on Saturday). I have no idea what could have changed. I even rebooted my server in case something had failed with Apache.
It's okay, managed to get this working again by re-uploading everything. I suspect I'd forgotten to comment out // for the archived log table when I tried to fix things earlier. Also made sure vbseo was installed in the old forum folder.

All redirects appear to be working again. :)
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