Lack of interest Redactor: Smilies should be drop down

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XenForo moderator
Staff member
To me, it feels completely unintuative to click the smilies button, to then have them apear at the bottom of the reply box, this becomes especially apparent in very long posts. If I want to apply formatting to anything else using the editor, its all at the top, so why would smilies be any different?

A small suggestion to make the smilies box a drop down once again as it was on tinymce.
Upvote 6
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Here's an idea... give the user (or admin) the option to have the smilies automaticly viewable whenever the editor is loaded. That way they are seen automatically instead of having to click on the smilie button every time.

Don't really want 100+ image calls to load all the smiles every time the editor is loaded. I'd suggest having only the first X amount loaded with a View More... link. This way you can have the most used smiles shown all the time and easy access to the rest.
Actually I think that this way is more intuitive, in long posts your cursor/focus point is at the bottom. So after clicking the smiley button once the full list is now always in view and it's right where your focus is at.

The old way requires me to go up, click the smiley button, and select the smiley every time I want to add one.

Most formatting can be done with keyboard shortcuts, which means I seldom have to scroll up.

Except when you are on an iPad. The smilies are hidden by the keyboard. You have to close the keyboard, select your smiley and then the above occurs. See the smiley at the beginning of the quoted post?
A dropdown with the 12 smilies the most often used is easier for a quick messages. For more than 12 smilies, the new system seems to be nice but I'm not sure it's really convenient to manage hundreds of smilies. A modal window can be a solution, especially in some new editors where modal are generated from code in a very fast way, can be automatically resized according to the content, can be moved, can be clicked several times. Just take a look at the Special characters of MCE4. We can imagine a slider in this kind of modal to browse between smilies. And to avoid to look up or down to get the multi smiley buttons we can image to add this option in the right click menu. That's what I've been planing to do with MCE4 but at the very last end.
Don't really want 100+ image calls to load all the smiles every time the editor is loaded. I'd suggest having only the first X amount loaded with a View More... link. This way you can have the most used smiles shown all the time and easy access to the rest.
The calls would occur pre-load and not AJAX like they are now.

Except when you are on an iPad. The smilies are hidden by the keyboard. You have to close the keyboard, select your smiley and then the above occurs. See the smiley at the beginning of the quoted post?
How are you doing it right now? Can't you scroll down a tad without closing the keyboard?
The calls would occur pre-load and not AJAX like they are now.
Either way you're still loading all the smilies. When you have the smilies in a sprite like the default XF smiles are this isn't a problem, however how many people use just the default smilies? I for one have 107 smilies, most being .gif's.
How are you doing it right now? Can't you scroll down a tad without closing the keyboard?

Argggghhh this bug on the iPad is killing me! On a short post no problem seeing it, and it appears that you can scroll but still a pain.
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