Receiving An Error For My Licence


Active member

I am trying to download an add-on but when I put my licence number in to register and get the add-on.
I am getting this message. I only purchased the licence yesterday, Not sure why I am getting the below message.

Oops! We ran into some problems.
Please enter a valid XenForo license validation token.
If you're downloading an add-on and it is asking you for your license validation token, then you're downloading the add-on from a third party so you may be better directing your query to them, directly.

This will be happening on another site that isn't

Presumably the site wants you to demonstrate you have a XenForo license. You can do this by providing your license validation token which you can get from your Account area but the specifics of where you enter that token on the vendor's website is not something we'd know.
Just to make sure you're getting it from the correct place, on your list of licenses, in the bottom right corner of the license is a link:


Clicking that will open an overlay with the token:


Copy and paste that into the website and it should work. If it doesn't, it will be a problem with their site.
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