XF 1.5 reCAPTCHA not working?


Active member
Hey guys, my reCAPTCHA is not working and i'm not sure why or how to fix?

It just doesn't show/appear.

Screen Shot 2018-01-24 at 12.59.00.webp
stopped working for us as well...and no..have not yet upgraded to 1.5.16.

I simply disabled the captcha requirement for registration until I could come up with a fix as it was essentially preventing anyone from registering at all.
Getting error: reCAPTCHA verification is loading. Please refresh the page if it does not load.

I can't even see what version I have, so what do I do now?

I can get into the DB via cPanel / phpMyAdmin / mySQL, etc
PM is cool if this is not appropriate for public explanation

PS: just verified - user & pass are correct from phpMyAdmin
~ I also gave the site trusted status in Ghostery & turned off Adblocker & tried Firefox = NFG
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Download the latest version of XF, extract and upload the library\XenForo\Captcha directory.

That should then allow you to log in and you can then do a full upgrade.
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