XF 2.3 Banner Stacking not Working


Active member
Hey guys, I', having issues getting my Banner stacking to work. Currently the only banner i can get to show up is the 'Staff' banner. I have banner stacking turned on in the ACP settings and i have display styling priorities set but the other member banners will not show up?



Any ideas why my banners don't stack?
Any ideas why my banners don't stack?
I would venture to say that the custom CSS is added in the wrong style than what you're actually using, or is improper CSS not rendering.

I would test this theory by selecting pre-defined banners (green, red, etc.) and see if they show up stacked.

If that's the case, you need to make sure the CSS is appropriate and in the right style template.

Edit: Per your screenshot, you also don't have any input for the text you want to see in the banner (See: User banner text, empty)

Edit 2: It could also be an add on that doesn't work. If you select a predefined banner and enter the text, and it shows, it could also point to the add on.
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