XF 2.2 Rebuild master data question


After switching to php 8 I am getting a blank page. From reading other posts it looks like rebuilding the master data file will correct this. What does this process do? -and if the site is displaying a "blank" page, how do I get into the /install process to run?

Thank you in advance!
So I am finally revisiting this task. I was never able to move up to php 8.0.

I bumped the version to 8.0 and when visiting the site I get an error message. <domain>/install gives me this page:


So I am unable to rebuild the master data file. After returning to php 7 everything works again.

Any suggestions?

Thank you in advance!
In addition to checking the server error log, check your source page for the site when you get that. Sometimes you will find an error listed in the source code... the last few I helped with (their entire site was giving that error) were simply that the mySQL PECL was not included in the PHP build, so the script was unable to communicate with the mySQL server.
If this is specifically the /install location, then I'd still check to see if any error is present in the source page and also check the HTTP/PHP error logs.
I threw a php file into the dir and it runs fine after switching to 8.0. I do not have any errors in the server logs. I do show the generic browser error in the raw logs.

<ip snipped> - Admin [01/Jun/2023:13:52:46 -0700] "GET /install/index.php HTTP/1.1" 500 - "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/113.0"

I also looked at the raw source code on the blank page, it's just that, a blank page.
Resolved. Here's a strange one.... just for giggles I switched to php 8.1. Everything loaded just fine. This is the strangest error ever. I'm good with 8.1. Everything appears to be working fine. Thank you to all who chimed in. (y)

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Obviously a problem with the 8.0 build.

Most likely a missing function or module but the server error log really should have provided more details.
I just updated to 8.1 and it gave me an addon error. So I switched back to 7.4 and now admin css is all screwed up. I tried running xf:rebuild-master-data in public_html folder and install and it returns

-bash: xf:rebuild-master-data: command not found
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