- Add Live Events to Your Community - Add Live Events to Your Community 1.0.1

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Member submitted a new resource: - Add Live Events to Your Community - Integration for adding live engagement to your community Integration for adding live engagement to your community is a free live streaming platform that you can use to monetize your XenForo community and engage with community members in real time. Whether you’re playing a game, hosting a talk show, doing a sports commentary, or just chatting, use your content to help grow your community and make your audience thrive...

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This is a complete game changer and I am so, so happy to see it in the community.

If this is from the awesome people I think it's from .... you all never stop being amazing!

Love it, love it, love it! ❤️❤️
Thank you so much!! <3

That could be a great integration
Agreed. Not too hard to add either! If we get enough people from XenForo who use the product I can make sure we ge this added in. Meanwhile it will:

1. Alert users
2. Show a live indicator
3. Work with achievements

And other integrations for now!
This looks spot on, and I hope to see it utilised to its potential.. 😎

I may well opt to use this rather than Twitch once the broadband has been upgraded in my area (currently underway!).
Your instructions are a little broken....

1. Firstly, I get this when I attempt to login via my XF forum....

  • Error: Cannot instantiate interface Lcobucci\JWT\Token
  • src/addons/Audentio/API/vendor/lcobucci/jwt/src/Token/Builder.php:122
  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • Apr 22, 2023 at 8:49 PM

Stack trace​

#0 src/addons/Audentio/API/vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/Entities/Traits/AccessTokenTrait.php(71): Lcobucci\JWT\Token\Builder->getToken(Object(Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Rsa\Sha256), Object(Lcobucci\JWT\Signer\Key\LocalFileReference))
#1 src/addons/Audentio/API/vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/Entities/Traits/AccessTokenTrait.php(79): Audentio\API\OAuth2\Bridge\AccessTokenBridge->convertToJWT()
#2 src/addons/Audentio/API/vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/ResponseTypes/BearerTokenResponse.php(31): Audentio\API\OAuth2\Bridge\AccessTokenBridge->__toString()
#3 src/addons/Audentio/API/vendor/league/oauth2-server/src/AuthorizationServer.php(202): League\OAuth2\Server\ResponseTypes\BearerTokenResponse->generateHttpResponse(Object(Laminas\Diactoros\Response))
#4 src/addons/Audentio/API/Service/OAuth2/AuthorizationServer.php(24): League\OAuth2\Server\AuthorizationServer->respondToAccessTokenRequest(Object(Laminas\Diactoros\ServerRequest), Object(Laminas\Diactoros\Response))
#5 src/addons/Audentio/API/Api/Controller/Oauth2.php(24): Audentio\API\Service\OAuth2\AuthorizationServer->getResponseToAccessTokenRequest()
#6 src/addons/Audentio/API/Api/Traits/OAuthResponseHandlerTrait.php(15): Audentio\API\Api\Controller\Oauth2->Audentio\API\Api\Controller\{closure}()
#7 src/addons/Audentio/API/Api/Controller/Oauth2.php(25): Audentio\API\Api\Controller\Oauth2->handleOAuthResponse(Object(Closure))
#8 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(352): Audentio\API\Api\Controller\Oauth2->actionPostToken(Object(XF\Mvc\ParameterBag))
#9 src/XF/Api/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(27): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass('Audentio\\API:Oa...', 'Posttoken', Object(XF\Api\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(Audentio\API\Api\Controller\Oauth2), NULL)
#10 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(115): XF\Api\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch(Object(XF\Api\Mvc\RouteMatch), Object(Audentio\API\Api\Controller\Oauth2), NULL)
#11 src/XF/Mvc/Dispatcher.php(57): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop(Object(XF\Api\Mvc\RouteMatch))
#12 src/XF/App.php(2483): XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run()
#13 src/XF.php(524): XF\App->run()
#14 index.php(16): XF::runApp('XF\\Api\\App')
#15 {main}

Request state​

array(4) {
["url"] => string(24) "/api/audapi-oauth2/token"
["referrer"] => bool(false)
["_GET"] => array(1) {
["/api/audapi-oauth2/token"] => string(0) ""
["_POST"] => array(5) {
["grant_type"] => string(18) "authorization_code"
["client_id"] => string(36) "redacted"
["client_secret"] => string(64) "redacted"
["redirect_uri"] => string(34) ""
["code"] => string(786) "redacted"

2. Your instructions state you need to override with this template <xf:include template="realmstv_oauth2_authorize" /> but in fact it should be <xf:include template="realms_oauth2_authorize" />

3. On I had setup a YT integration, then after subsequent logins going to Media Integrations I don't see it though it's available from streams pages etc. I setup another one and now I have 2 identical YT integrations.. Think it's a bug on your side.
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1. Firstly, I get this when I attempt to login via my XF forum....

2. Your instructions state you need to override with this template <xf:include template="realmstv_oauth2_authorize" /> but in fact it should be <xf:include template="realms_oauth2_authorize" />

3. On I had setup a YT integration, then after subsequent logins going to Media Integrations I don't see it though it's available from streams pages etc. I setup another one and now I have 2 identical YT integrations.. Think it's a bug on your side.
Hey thanks for the feedback!
  1. I'll send this to our development team to take a look and send you an update shortly.
  2. I've edited the documentation with that change, thank you
  3. For media integrations, did you initially set up the integration on a channel? Realm-level media integrations will be available for every channel, but if an integration is setup on a specific channel, it will only be available for that channel. Let me know and I can take a look on my end!
@ichpen would you be able to let me know what version of XF you're using? Could you also go to admin.php?tools/phpinfo and send a full screenshot of that page?
@ichpen would you be able to let me know what version of XF you're using? Could you also go to admin.php?tools/phpinfo and send a full screenshot of that page?

XF v2.2.12 I've PM'd you phpinfo.

  1. For media integrations, did you initially set up the integration on a channel? Realm-level media integrations will be available for every channel, but if an integration is setup on a specific channel, it will only be available for that channel. Let me know and I can take a look on my end!

You're right, that's what it was. Might be good to differentiate this on the UI somehow as it's easy to miss what channel you're doing edits for.
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I know it's been a day but any progress? Kind of useless without sso working.
I've passed this to our development team and will update you shortly, thanks for reporting this! Also, thanks for the feedback about differentiating between channel-level and realm-level media integrations, we'll take a look at this as well :)
I have this set up pretty well at

however when i clicl the link for the mod on the navigation bar on my forum it does this... https://https//

any ideas?
Hey there, could you let me know what you have setup for the realm slug in the ACP (Can be found by navigating to /admin.php?realms/realms/ and then clicking on the realm you setup). I'd just like to confirm that you entered Boomboomstreams here?
Hey there, could you let me know what you have setup for the realm slug in the ACP (Can be found by navigating to /admin.php?realms/realms/ and then clicking on the realm you setup). I'd just like to confirm that you entered Boomboomstreams here?
That was the problem :) I had the full url listed instead of just boomboomstreams

All working now, thank you. Tomorrow will be Nov 1. I came to the forum to see if there is a way to integrate live video chat with our XF forum. Everything that I see here is encouraging. Most messages are from April - July. Do you have traction? How is it going. I would love to explore this and support. Tomorrow will be Nov 1. I came to the forum to see if there is a way to integrate live video chat with our XF forum. Everything that I see here is encouraging. Most messages are from April - July. Do you have traction? How is it going. I would love to explore this and support.
As far as I'm aware, @ThemeHouse is the team behind this (based on the required add-on and the fact that they were working on a similar project); they've been active on the resources they still have here (though most support is done through their site).

Development regarding streaming is a very long process, so you likely will not see many quick updates, but chances are they are working on the project still as they've made a lot of investments of time and money.
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