XF 2.0 Read/Unread not working on thread list. CSS issue or Style Properties.


Easy fix with 1.5. I can't find it within 2.0.

On the Forum index which forums have new content have the new icon. In conversations, it does as well. However, in each node the threads don't show up as being read or unread.

How do I differentiate between the two so members can see which threads have new replies (without having to go to new posts.)
Conversations and threads would really be using the same approach. Out of the box, this is just a bold vs not bold title.
Silly question, but coming at this as a total newcomer, how exactly would I go about either associating a new color for unread threads or putting an icon at the end of the new threads? I've looked through all the options in the ACP and couldn't see the setting to switch. Any advice you could give would be most helpful.
@doemasters -- I solved this problem by adding the following code to the extra.less template:

.is-unread {
    background-color: @xf-paletteColor1;

This highlights the unread topics by changing the background color.
You could also try something like this to insert an image (again, add to extra.less template):

.is-unread {
    background-image: url("styles/pm/new.gif");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: 60px top;

Both of my above examples work, but I wish the folks at XF would add the ability to put a "New" bullet immediately after the conversation title to better distinguish them... bolding alone isn't enough, IMHO.

Here is a sample of my test forum using the above background-image technique.

Screen Shot 2018-02-17 at 7.58.23 PM.webp

Here is the image that I'm using if you want to grab it: new.gif
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Actually, this CSS works better:

/* Fix Unread Topics List */
.is-unread .structItem-title {
    background-image: url("styles/pm/new.gif");
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-position: right center;
Considering this discussion is about on the Forum index (node list) what i posted is appropiate. You should be a bit more specific when asking for support.
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