Rank for everyone who joined before beta launch

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Active member
I think it would be nice if everyone who's an active member on the forums prior to XF becoming available to the general public to be given a special rank (XF Community Founder, or something) so that when the XF forums become inevitably overrun by people praising the software, we recognise each other and stand out from the crowd a little bit in a nice clique way.
Seems reasonable to me that the first, I don't know, 650 or so users should have the title of FORUM POPE permanently added beneath their username. That title should include a tasteful pointy hat icon that is associated with everything they post, and they should also have the ability to ban lesser users and unilaterally change forum policy.
Just my two cents, but I'm looking forward to seeing it implemented.
POPE? Some of us aren't Catholic, or whatever you call those dudes in the funny outfits w/ the vampire hunting trinkets :)

On one hand it should be fair (e.g. no cliques). On the other hand, we all want to say "FIRST!!!!" :)
Oh, come on. That's just not true. Aren't all of us, all of God's children, Catholic at heart? Yes we are. Of course we are. You're just being outrageous for the sake of argument!
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
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